About Author
P.D.Brogden is an eye healthcare provider and the author of the books If My Tennie and I Were Ten Queen Alora and Winter Ease: A Queen and Her Crown as well as Queen Alora and The Springtime Dove.

Award Winning Author
P.D.Brogden is an eye healthcare provider and the author of the books If My Tennie and I Were Ten Queen Alora and Winter Ease: A Queen and Her Crown as well as Queen Alora and The Springtime Dove.
Her English teacher sparked her interest in poetry, and since then she has always sought solace in writing. Pamela wrote her first book for her grandmother’s eighty-ninth birthday, and finding motivation from friends and family, took the plunge into self-publishing. Pamela addresses the issues young children face today through her work and hopes that young readers come away from her stories feeling heard. She aims to encourage young and old alike to follow their dreams.
She enjoys spending time with family who continues to inspire her.

The Book Fest Award Winner
Book Awards - Spring 2022 Third Place - The Book Fest